Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I think I might just write the same thing here as I do in my GJ, except here I'll make it less personal. Hmm. Whatever, I'm just procrastinating.

Caffeine is a xanthine alkaloid compound that acts as a stimulant in humans; stimulants are drugs that temporarily increase alertness and wakefulness. Therefore, caffeine temporarily increases alertness and wakefulness. Therefore, caffeine must be ingested in regular intervals in order to transition the aforementioned alertness and wakefulness from temporary to permanent, or at the very least, semi-permanent.

Roasted coffee beans are the world's primary source of caffeine; coffee is Amanda's primary source of caffeine. Therefore, roasted coffee beans are Amanda's primary source of caffeine and must be ingested in regular intervals in order to equate consciousness on Amanda's part, particularly when Amanda has slept for fewer than five hours and must be functional for an American Literature lecture followed by a full day of housework and errands, and then immediately followed by eight hours of work at a movie theater.

I love coffee. I love coffee in my shiny steel Toronto mug. I especially love coffee on days that end in "Y."

Oui. C'est fini.

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