"Insomnia is characterized by an inability to sleep and/or inability to remain asleep for a reasonable period," says Wikipedia. By God, Wikipedia might have a point.
As I read through that Wikipedia article I learned that I am currently suffering from "transient insomnia," which only lasts from about one day to a week, and is commonly caused by jet lag or short-term anxiety. And probably a bit of nerves and/or excitedness, too, am I right? Because I think that's what's going on in my case.
Although-- is it insomnia when I just can't sleep until nearly daybreak, but then I sleep until noon or later? Or is it just a case of my sleep schedule being completely skewed? And how exactly does my schedule mess itself up like this? Probably something about the fact that I stay up until 5am trying to finish editing my latest video instead of going to bed like I should've.
By the way, who ever heard of "fatal familial insomnia"? Apparently it's a disease of the brain and is very rare. NO. WAY! Yes, way! But, I mean, an insomnia that's fatal? That sounds like something out of a bad horror flick. "SLEEP OR DIE" could be the tagline. I'd take one look at it and run screaming. Scary movies are awful. I have nightmares for weeks. Although a tagline like, "SLEEP AND DIE" would scare me a lot more.
Anyway, this isn't really anything substantial, but, hey, I'll bet you learned a little bit about fatal familial insomnia, didn't you?
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